Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) industry is a vital sector in the tourism industry. With rising cost per attendee and higher customer expectation, event organisers are facing challenges to improve MICE events in terms of relevance for attendees and to improve engagement.

Ent-Vision Smart Data for MICE is an AI driven solution leveraging on Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML) and Data Technologies. The solution aims to create engaging and memorable user experience for event participants including Exhibitors, Visitors and Delegates, enables Event Organisers to monetise rich data insights to increased event participation and Improve return-of-investments.

Ent-Vision Smart Data for MICE is powered by Ent-Vision Intelligent Process Automation (IPA), a software that combines Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Smart Data for MICE Solution Suite

AI-Enabled Smart Data for MICE to accelerate a Richer and More Memorable MICE Event Experience.

Data Profiling with
Ent-Vision IPA

A successful MICE event is measured by the quality of the contents and participants. However, registration data of Exhibitors and Visitors are often collected with missing or inaccurate information, which hinders targeted marketing, and makes business matching or booth visit planning very difficult.

Ent-Vision Smart Data for MICE solution will first standardise and enrich registration data using Data Profile module, an automated data enrichment process supported by Ent-Vision IPA. Quality data offers insights of participants and provides an avenue to facilitate intelligent business matching, personalized content and effective marketing. It is a powerful tool to improve MICE Event ROI.

Intelligent Business
Matching & Contents

Prior to the event dayan AI-driven auto profiler and recommendation engine are initiated to facilitate business matching based on the Exhibitor’s, Conference Delegate’s and Trade Visitor’s profiles. Both internal data from historical records and external data from public sources are extracted to build a profile for each participant.

By automatically matching exhibitor’s offerings and visitor’s preferences according to their data profile, the visitors will only get carefully curated list of recommended booths to visit and conference to attend; the exhibitors will be linked to their ideal visitors to schedule meetings.  This will greatly improve efficiency of visiting time and offer better opportunities to the exhibitors.

Booth Recommendation
with MICE Discovery App

On the event day, a personalized list of recommended booths as well as suggested conference topics will be pushed to each event attendees via mobile app, email or web link, it allows show participants to optimise visitation time during the event.

The Ent-Vision MICE solution helps visitors to maximize their experience by directing them to the most relevant exhibitors to meet and conference talks of high interest. This is done via a Booth Finder mobile app that helps visitors to quickly navigate to the recommended booths.

Ent-Vision MICE
Central Data Platform

Ent-Vision MICE Central Data Platform is the data foundation to facilitate end-to-end information flow. It provides full visibility at each stage of MICE event and ensure data consistency throughout the user journey for exhibitors, conference delegates and trade visitors.

The MICE Central Data Platform enables event organisers to gain deeper data insights with quality data, creates engaging user experience for Exhibitors, Visitors and Delegates during the event. Post Event follow-up with relevant information accelerates continuous engagement between exhibitors, visitors and event organisers, Improves customer retention and increases ROIs.